Everything you need to know about ReLEx SMILE Treatment in Mumbai - Ojaseyehospital
Introduction Many people undergo laser vision correction to get rid of the spectacles and contact lenses. Modern technology has evolved for the betterment of the people. So in this modern era, correction of vision is much easier than before. Many laser vision correction technologies have come up, but they have many drawbacks. So to cover up the drawback of other laser surgery, RELEX SMILE is the newer technology for vision correctness. Many laser vision correctness methods are available today. SMILE laser eye surgery provides faster recovery and long-term benefits. It provides one of the most successful treatments for vision correction. RELEX SMILE RELEX SMILE or SMILE stands for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. It is one of the modern technology used today for the correction of vision. SMILE is mainly used to correct shortsightedness, myopia, and astigmatism, due to an irregularly shaped cornea. With this technique, the shape of the cornea is changed, which helps...